Dollie is here again.
after disappeared for quite a long time.
everyone was busy.
and mummy don't have computer to use so Dollie couldn't blog also.
mummy went Dog'R'Us and bought Health n Shine and Toy for me =x
This orangie T-bone.

Dollie can smells beef from this bone.
At first Dollie thought it's a food!
and Dollie like this so much!

sowriee for the super blur pictures.
Dollie didn't noticed that mummy was taking photos of Dollie.
was busying playing with the toy =x
after this,
it's Health n Shine!
for tear stain.

mummy said she's not sure that Dollie has tear stain or not.
so she'll just let Dollie use this.
It cost mummy RM100.
kinda expensive. @@
but mummy said it's worth if Dollie can be nice nice.
Did you all noticed Angel in that picture?
the very white maltese in the picture.^^.
hope Dollie will be as nice as her.
hope Dollie's fur grows fast! =]
With ♥,